Testing Time

Your scheduled appointment time for Part I of the exam is 180 minutes, 155 minutes of which is used to answer the 140 Mulitple-Choice questions presented.

Your scheduled appointment time for Part II of the exam is 270 minutes, 245 minutes of which is used to answer the 55 questions presented. Of the 55 questions, 45 will be Task Based Simulations and 10 will be Case Analysis.

You will have approximately 60 seconds for each Multiple-Choice question, approximately 3.5 minutes for each Task Based Simulation and approximately 8 minutes for each Case Analysis.

There will be 25 minutes allotted to both parts of the examination for the non-disclosure agreement, examination tutorial and post-test survey.

Part I: Financial Acumen: Understanding and Managing Financial Information and Business Relationships (180 minutes)
Non-Disclosure Agreement3 minutes
Tutorial17 minutes
Multiple-Choice Questions155 minutes
Post-Test Survey5 minutes
Part II: Financial Analysis and Business Support: Building, Interpreting and Communicating Financial Projections (270 Minutes)
Non-Disclosure Agreement3 minutes
Tutorial17 minutes
Task-Based Simulations165 minutes
Case Analysis80 minutes
Post-Test Survey5 minutes

During the examinations, you will have the opportunity to review questions during the Multiple-Choice and Task-Based Simulation sections . In those sections, you can change answers, mark or skip questions . 

In the Case Analysis section of the Part II exam, you will NOT be permitted to skip or go back to questions. In these items, each step is scored independently of the previous of subsequent steps.  For each step, points are awarded for selecting appropriate action or may be awarded for avoiding an inappropriate action.  Also, points may be deducted for selecting an action that is not appropriate or not necessary based on the information provided.

Should you finish one section of the exam before your time expires, any leftover time will not be transferred to the next section. Should your time expire while taking the exam, all answers, regardless of how they are marked, will be calculated into your score. Once your allowed time has expired, or you exit the examination, you cannot see or review the questions again. Incorrect answers will not count against you in the Multiple-Choice and Task-Based Simulations sections, so it is in your best interest to answer all questions on the exam.