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FPAC Exam Prep Platform
The FPAC Exam Prep Platform has been completely revamped to enhance your learning experience and set you up for success.
The new and improved FPAC Exam Prep Platform is the preferred study resource for the Certified Corporate FP&A Professional Exam and is based on the test specifications for the 2019B-2025A windows. This fully digital and
interactive platform contains study materials, evaluations, sample questions
Updated Features
- The platform does not require a persistent internet connection to study
- Mobile & tablet friendly
- Built in study plan
- The platform supports confidence levels, note taking and highlighting
- Micro-learning topic level videos
- 650+ preloaded flashcards
- Ability to create your own flashcards
- Game center
- 20 chapter quizzes
- 3 practice exams
- 1,150+ total questions
- Frequently asked questions section
- All exam resources AFP makes available in one place
AFP Member Price | $1,095 |
Non-member Price | $1,195 |
*Your payment grants you one full year's subscription to the platform from your date of purchase.
If you have already purchased the FPAC Exam Prep Platform, access it below:
FPAC Exam Prep Platform, Third Edition, Authors
Lead Author:
Dr. Matthew Hill, FPAC, CTP, CFA, CMA
Matt has served as a treasury and FP&A consultant for AFP since 2014. In this capacity he has led numerous in-person and virtual training sessions on liquidity management, cash flow forecasting, and FP&A best practices for several leading organizations. Matt was co-editor of Essentials of Treasury Management, 5th edition, which served as the body of knowledge for the CTP examination between 2017 and 2020. He is also a frequent speaker at AFP’s annual conference.
Matt is currently the director of the Griffin Graduate Program and is an associate professor of finance at Arkansas State University. He has published over twenty research articles in several of the leading academic journals in finance. During his academic career, Matt has been recognized for his research efforts, at both the university and conference levels. His academic studies focus primarily on the drivers of firm liquidity and the associated effects on firm value. He is co-author of the sole academic textbook on firm liquidity and working capital management: Short-Term Financial Management, 6th edition, Cognella Publishing Group (with T. Maness and J. Zietlow, three editions). This textbook has been adopted by over fifty universities throughout North America and Europe.
Contributing Authors:
Dr. Bill Hu FPAC, CTP, CFA | Chapter 15: Spreadsheet Functions |
Randall Bolten | Chapter 18: Data Presentation & Visualization |
Sarah Schlentz | Chapter 20: Effective Communication & Presentation Skills |